- Business
Developing and Trading

ICST Corporation was established by investors in Russia, Taiwan and Japan, and is very unique company. Currently, Medical-Healthcare products which developed in Taiwan, manufactured in China have been exported to BRIC’s including Russia. This Triangle-trading which is a core business of ICST, could be seen just like products are running through Japan. But, this business model makes an unique company ICST.

Regulatory Service

Since ICST also acquired the license of the medical equipment distributive trade, it is possible for us to perform the direct sales of the medical equipment imported as agency in addition to the management business as manufacturer. Finally, as for the problem of cost, it seems that there is no particular marketing price for the maintenance charge of MAH, so far.. We, ICST are trying to be able to show the reasonable price by talking with customers. For the medical equipment makers who are going to enter into Japan, please consult with us by all means.